Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mr. Z is 1

Meet Mr. Z.  He is the most even-tempered, sweetest, happiest baby you will ever meet.  Oh, and he has the cutest little face you just want to kiss all over :)

Mr, Z is special to me because thanks to my other job, I have been able to see him grow from a tiny little infant into a happy, healthy one year old.  Smiling little faces like his make me love what I do.  I was so excited when his mom contacted me about taking his one year old pictures :)  We found it only fitting to take them at the place we all met, and I'm so happy we did.  He was super happy as always, and I think the pictures show it.  Most kids wouldn't let you stick bow ties on them and throw them in a suitcase, but Mr. Z didn't mind at all.  He did prefer to climb OUT of it or sit ON it instead of sit IN it, but that's ok. And a special thank you to big brother E for helping us tote around the props.  Extra hands are always helpful :)

Happy birthday, sweet boy...